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Found 102 result(s) for Genre "strategy-real-time"

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Transport Tycoon (1994)
Strategy (real time)

Ta opp rollen som direktør for et transportfirma og ta de viktige beslutningene om å transportere gods fra A til…

Published: 6.Nov 2005
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The Settlers (1993)
Strategy (real time) Humor

Bygg et kongerike opp fra bunnen av i denne nokså rolige bysimulatoren. Ekspander ved å ta over motstandernes bygninger og…

Published: 8.Nov 2005
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Lemmings (1991)
Strategy (real time) Puzzle

Considered as the founder of an iconic franchise and was hugely popular both on Amiga, the C64 and DOS. Help…

Published: 8.Nov 2005
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Worms (1995)
Action Strategy (real time) Shoot em up Humor

Slåss mot andre lag bestående av ormer med et stort arsenal av ville våpen i spillet som pavet vei for…

Published: 10.Nov 2005
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Carrier Command (1989)
Simulation Strategy (real time)

Control the massive massive ship ACC Epsilon and take control over the islands before the enemy and their ACC Omega…

Published: 28.Nov 2005
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North & South (1990)
Action Strategy (real time) Strategy (Turn based)

Kjemp enten som Nord-, eller Sør-statene i den Amerikanske Borgerkrigen i dette strategispillet.

Published: 4.Dec 2005
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Theme Park (1994)
Simulation Strategy (real time) Humor

Bygg din helt egen fornøyelsespark i den kanskje beste simulatoren av dem alle!

Published: 10.Dec 2005
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Warcraft: Orcs & Humans (1994)
Strategy (real time)

Det første sanntidsstrategi-spillet fra Blizzard med de orkene mot menneskene i Azeroth.

Published: 23.Dec 2005
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Syndicate (1993)
Action Strategy (real time) Sci-fi

I Syndicate er et sanntids strategi-, og skytespill hvor du får rollen som direktør for et av de mindre syndikatene.…

Published: 27.Jul 2006
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Dune II: The Building of a Dynasty (1992)
Strategy (real time)

Ansett som bestefar av RTS-sjangeren og prisgitt for en revolusjonerende ny måte å presentere sanntidsstrategi på.

Published: 1.Apr 2007
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Lemmings 2: The Tribes (1993)
Puzzle Strategy (real time) Humor

The fun little green haired creatures, that'll happily run into danger if you don't stop them, are back! Hellbent on…

Published: 9.Sep 2007
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Populous (1989)
Strategy (real time) Simulation Prehistoric era

Be your own God! Control a small civilization and help it grow to defeat your rival Gods in the first…

Published: 5.Oct 2007
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Command & Conquer (1995)
Strategy (real time) Sci-fi

In the year 2030, the world has discovered an alien substance called Tiberium that's quite valuable. Battling for control over…

Published: 11.Oct 2007
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Star control (1991)
Sci-fi Strategy (real time) Simulation

Langt i fremtiden pågår det et livstruende slag mellom to aksemakter: The Alliance of Sentient Milleu, og Ur-Quan Hierarchy of…

Published: 10.Dec 2007
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Star Control II (1992)
Action Strategy (real time) Sci-fi

I 1991 gav Accolade ut Star Control 1 til stor fryd for mange. Knapt et år senere overgikk de seg…

Published: 13.Dec 2007
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Star Control 3 (1996)
Action Strategy (real time) Sci-fi Arcade

Etter at du ødela krigsplattformen Sa-Matra i Starcontrol 2, har du klart å bygge enda et precursor skip. Samtidig har…

Published: 21.Dec 2007
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Blood & Magic (1996)
Strategy (real time)

Take control of various heroes from the Forgotten Realms in five different chapters, each features three levels. At the start…

Published: 15.Mar 2008
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Ground Control (2000)
Strategy (real time) Action Sci-fi

Historien til Ground Control’s er satt til år 2419, hvor selskapene Crayven Corporation og Order of the New Dawn kjemper…

Published: 13.Apr 2008
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Dungeon Keeper (1997)
Strategy (real time) Action RPG

Vær den onde for en gangs skyld! Bygg din egne underjordsbase, rekruttér onde monster og forhindre at de gode styrkene…

Published: 22.Jun 2008
Game focus image (small)
Command & Conquer: Red Alert (1996)
Sci-fi Strategy (real time)

Reis tilbake i tid og ta ut Hitler og se hva som skjer, i denne hysterisk underholdende RTS-en.

Published: 7.Sep 2008
1 - 20 of 102