Game cover for Little computer people
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This is the very game that inspired game creator Will Wright to create "The Sims". In this game you have your own doll house, populated by a man and his dog. The game randomly have him doing various chores and also some more entertaining stuff like watching the TV. He is randomly generated, so every player gets his own virtual pal. You're basically a scientist studying the home of the "common man". You have a limited interactivity. You can ask him to do stuff like play the piano and you can even play poker with him.

Published: 17.12 2023 by djdaemon

Game screenshot of Little computer people
Little Computer People (Activision, 1985, C64)_1
Game screenshot of Little computer people
Little Computer People (Activision, 1985, C64)_2
Game screenshot of Little computer people
Little Computer People (Activision, 1985, C64)_3
Game screenshot of Little computer people
Little Computer People (Activision, 1985, C64)_4
Game screenshot of Little computer people
Little computer people

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